Missing the point of the Mrs. and Misses in Today's Society
Last night as I was catching up on my Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (hello favorite new show), I was especially amused by the "How Is This Still a Thing?" segment on Columbus Day. To be completely honest, I was still reeling from the genius that was his Miss America segment. We are now almost a decade and a half into the 21st Century, and yet something as outright moronic and degrading as Miss America is still around (that being said, tip of the hat to the girl who solved the ISIS crisis). As I have been contemplating the "How Is This Still a Thing?" aspect of beauty pageants, I have also noticed something less obvious but quite as demeaning: the MISS in Miss America. I understand that the Miss is the politically correct version of neutralizing the difference between the married Mrs. and single Miss that was instated in the late 70s as Feminism started to become the tainted word that it is. BUT STILL does it not set up the idea that these young women ...