Another day, another unpaid dollar: Your Guide to Getting the Most Out of Any Internship

Internships can be a real drag. No matter how rewarding it may feel or how beneficial it may be to your future, not getting paid to do a full day's bitchwork for someone else can eat at your spirits. But in this dire economy and harsh job market, let's face it; we can use all the help we can get!

As my second internship comes to an end I have concluded that there was a lot I did right and a lot I did wrong. So here are a few pointers so you can make the best of your future internship opportunity:

Source: Vogue
Know what you are really getting into: Read reviews, ask old interns. Is this going to be an internship along the lines of photocopying and errand chasing, or one where you will be banished to a cubicle doing online research and cold calls all day. True Story: I once heard a story about how my friend's friend got a prestigious internship at Hermes, only to work as a sales clerk full-time, without pay, benefits, or commission. That "dream job" doesn't necessarily always equate "dream internship." 

First impressions: 
The most critical time in your internship is your first week as this is when your boss determines if they like you, if you are professional, and most importantly when you will gain their trust. You can be late once on your first day and never trusted again, or late twice after a month and have your story believed. Try to excel in even the mundane. And for God's sake, don't use your cell phone in front of your boss, ever. This is an automatic death sentence.

Dress for Success: 
This little cliché right here, fits in perfectly with #2. The best way to leave a great first impression at work and look professional is to dress professional. What people don't seem to understand about their wardrobe is that its not some shallow statement demonstrating they care more about their looks than their work, but rather it is a deep insight into your personality and what makes you shine. 

Wearing a suit jacket that has been meticulously tailored to your body? This demonstrates that you 
strive for perfection and don't cut corners.

Wearing a bright blue necklace with your otherwise toned down black power suit? Proof that you are a serious professional who has a creative and wild side and can think out of the box.

Well groomed nails or a very clean shave? Shows that you don't skip over the tiny details.

On top of how your clothes make others feel about you, a well put together outfit will make you feel like a million bucks and give you the confidence to 

Rachel Haut, Mayor Bloomberg's Chief Digital Officer 
Read more about her over at VOGUE (Image Source: Vogue)
Take it all in: I don't believe any noteworthy person has ever become successful by just doing the bare minimum, in fact I'm pretty damn sure.Even if your internship is just for credit, this unpaid slave labor-esque internship will teach you more in a few months than that 4 year $100,000+ university ever did. Even the simplest of tasks, such as mastering excel sheets or learning to use the fax machine (seriously, why do companies still use these?!) will come in handy in a few months/years when you are thrown into the cold harsh world. In a former internship from hell I thought I had learnt nothing at all, when in fact I had learnt how to survive the work place cattiness and mastered coworker interactions. Take everything as an opportunity to grow, and you never know what can come of it.

See your boss as your mentor: 
Your aspirations must have something in common with your boss's current position or else you wouldn't be working under them. Ask them questions, ask for feedback, ask to sit in on a very important meeting. Not only may these give you insight into your future career, but asking for feedback every once in a while will give you the opportunity to see what you could do better and see what you are already doing well. As your supervisor they are there to help you excel, just as you are there to help them photocopy and staple 400 page packets…

Use co-workers as teachers: 
Notice someone who gets to attend meetings usually not open to interns or a young and successful staff member that is best buds with the CEO? Just as it may benefit you to run and workout with someone much fitter than you, using that coworker as a benchmark can help you set your goals higher and excel in the workplace.
Observe what they are doing differently from all other coworkers and ask them how they became so successful. Not only could they provide valuable insight to you, but it will most likely flatter the socks off of them and make them want to help you.

Remember, internships are as much about learning what you do want to do in life as they are about learning what you don't want to do for the rest of your life. It's a lot easier to have to push through a 4 month unpaid internship, than graduate school, a possible relocation, and a contract you can't get out of! 

So be sure to thank your supervisor for giving you the opportunity to learn. A simple expression of gratitude might get you ahead of the pack now and/or later not!

Now get yourself out for Happy Hour, as you know finally understand why 5pm is indeed the happiest of all hours!

Ta-ta darlings and until next time.


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